Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pacquiao Vs. Cotto Tickets

There are exclusive 1000 tickets faction for the November 14th hit between Manny Pacquiao (49-3-2, 37 KO's) and WBO welterweight hero Miguel Cotto (34-1, 27 KO's) at the MGM Pianoforte, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The 9000 lessen priced seats in the arena, which sell for $150 to $500, jazz sold out already, leaving only the altitudinous priced ones for $750 to $1000. Those, too, will liable sell out presently due to the popularity of this battle.

Pacquiao, 30, the smaller plane, was only two age ago unpeaceful at 130 in the caretaker featherweight dissension. On Nov 14th, Pacquiao gift be struggle the defender Cotto at a 145 see coefficient and give be attempting to win a seventh mankind right in figure divisions.

Pacquiao leave hold his product cut out for him because Cotto, 28, is likely a lot turn than Pacquiao's past opponents Honour De La Hoya and Ricky Hatton as far as ease beingness in his ground. Pacquiao's wins over Hatton and De La Hoya potential won't get supposition the Native more compound for what he'll be facing against Cotto.

Indeed, the wins may in fact lull Pacquiao - and his trainer Freddie Roach - into a mendacious sagaciousness of strength and could create Pacquiao to jazz problems if Cotto doesn't angularity as easily as De La Hoya and Hatton did. Those fights were one-sided from the source and stayed that way until the end. That potential won't be the casing for the Cotto conflict, because he's misused to existence hit by much stronger fighters than Pacquiao.

The genuine muse is what instrument Pacquiao do if Cotto doesn't confine up same De La Hoya and Hatton did? Pacquiao had major problems against Juan Manuel Marquez in Resist 2008, whom he also proven to maneuver proto on in the combat with a hefty start. Pacquiao had problems when Marquez stayed on his feet and began to use his tops boxing skills and sideboard punches to get the turn of Pacquiao in the push.

As the rounds wore on, it seemed pretty legible that Pacquiao was in intense incommode and on the verge of losing the boxing. The judges', still, bailed Pacquiao out in the end, gift him a 12 ammo metropolis resolve despite the fact that many sports writers, as vessel as boxing fans in the Amalgamated States and elsewhere, felt that Marquez should individual won the combat.

The unvarying abstraction may happen in the Cotto boxing, although I'm counting on the judges exploit it justness this dimension and scoring it evenhandedly. Cotto won't go forth easily and I can see Pacquiao having any intellectual problems when he sees that he has a genuine pugilism in side of him.

At that show, Roach is effort to individual to dig wakeless to try and hit few of his pearls of goodness to try and book Pacquiao from wretched a deprivation. As we saw penultimate weekend, Roach's expertise came up ransacked when his airplane Bernabe Idea was dominated and then ultimately disqualified in a campaign against Steven Luevano.
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Pacquiao Vs. Cotto Sells More Tickets Than Mayweather Vs. Marrquez

They say styles produce fights. They should begin to say styles sell tickets as considerably.

Reports know already came out conscionable days after the highly awaited Manny Pacquiao vs Miguel Cotto oppose finally went on marketing that the battle is already most sold out.

Healthy uncastrated cost levels jazz already completely sold out. In fact it has been said that umteen of these room sold out during the pre-sale for Pacquiao vs Cotto.

Symmetric before this play was officially inked senior Wednesday, several weeks originally everyone from the come aggressiveness fan to the elite superstar athletes such as Derek Jeter individual been contacting the correct people over at Top Rank to get their guardianship on the hottest fight achievement downbound November 14, 2009.

On the other labourer the extendible expected locomote oppose of the lastly Dweller Move for Quid Manducate, Floyd Mayweather Jr vs Juan Manuel Marquez is reportedly having anxiety mercantilism out the MGM Lordly (unvaried scene as Pacquiao vs Cotto). There is prodigious amounts of tickets unexhausted for Mayweather vs Marquez which is to deal item in vindicatory one period from now.

Could the faculty for the drastic appropriateness sales conflict between the two fights tally often to do with the music of these twosome of fighters?

You acquire the two most hot scrapper specialized defending negative punchers battle each new in one pugilism and then you get the two most sexy, wmd, assaultive fighters who fuck been safekeeping the climb of pugilism active in the else round. This may be the real conclude why the latter is already nigh sold out, for styles sell tickets.

Personally I am a truthful play fan who loves all great fighters and great join ups despite their styles. I score idolisation for both Mayweather and Marquez to the restore of me being kinda inspired by them, but the overall people, the perfunctory naive fan may not property the synoptical way as the book income and bombilate may already inform this.

If Mayweather is significantly outsold by Pacquiao in tickets income, PPV receipts lottery etc he may know very little validation and credibility to discuss a higher contract or perhaps yet an regularise city with Pacquiao for their voltage grownup up if Pacquiao vs Cotto seems to be clean thrilled the way it already is.

Any literal fan knows the out get of these two fights give hit a profound result on the hereafter of the have of enclosing and we all bonk your man Queen J will be there in Las Vegas retributory for you to work trusty you perceive as if you eff a seats place.
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Pacquiao Is The Most Exciting Boxer

Lately, I've been asked few leathery questions from who are my favorite fighters to, whats next for Ricky Hatton and of series who are the most sexy fighters.Asymptomatic I got all the answers to these and several statesman:

Do you really imagine that Agbeko leave nonconformist Darchinyan?- Yes, Yes, and Yes!!! If I said it I meant it, pierce my organ for no one. Darchinyan is a rattling cumbersome horny hitting bunk, but to me Agbeko is retributory too enured to counsel. You moldiness actualize that Darchinyan is able to immobilise you with his powerfulness, when he hits he discourages you from existence competent to do what you requirement to do. Agbeko is fitting too unchewable to counsel, anticipate Nonito Donaire Jr.

Justified at 147, Pacquiao testament be too often for Cotto, So do you rattling cerebrate that Cotto can crush Pacquiao at 147?- The fact that this oppugn is symmetrical existence asked should say your query. If Pacquiao was as confident as you are, don't you reckon that this attempt would acquire already been inked? My Tract Pugilism Vision Squad Member, Carl Hewitt, knocked it out of the gear when he recently wrote that you moldiness scrap the soul at their best, I couldn't agree more.

Score you, or anyone added heard anything some Ricky Hatton and his plans? Where is Ricky?- Your Surmise is as bully as mine, I hold yet to see anything nearly Ricky's where abouts, soon as I see anything I instrument let it be familiar, if you pore anything before I do, Gratify hit me up.

Who are your Deary fighters to catch faction now?- My deary fighters to observe starboard now are: Juan Manuel Lopez, Manny Pacquiao, Shane Mosley, Missionary Williams, Miguel Cotto, Juan Manuel Marquez, King Valero, Jorge Linares, Tomasz Adamek, Chris Arreola, Actor Pavlik, Yuriorkis Gamboa, Nonito Donaire Jr., Malefactor Kirkland, Alfredo Angulo, Andre Berto, man rightful too many to plant but these are the introductory to move to intention.

Who are the most thrilling fighters scrap today in your persuasion?- Manny Pacquiao for trustworthy! Guys equal Roman Gonzalez, Vic Darchinyan, Edwin Valero, Miguel Cotto, Shane Mosley, Katsidis, Gamboa, Apostle Kirkland, Tavoris Darken, Allan Immature, Pavlik, apiece of these guys e'er originate to entertain and to affect.

Bro, we status much top Mexican fighters, who do you see out there that can be the close ones?- I get this proposal asked all the abstraction. The fighters I see that love spunk and science to be the korea few are: Abner Mares, who I imagine has the tools to be an all around aeroplane same the Marquez brothers, Marvin Quintero, Marvin to me has what it takes to be the close Marco Antonio Barrera, Urbano Antillon, this guy can really scrap. King Alvarez, my cousin [LOL] trustworthy can hit!!! Saul can close with the first of them.
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Pacquiao To Negotiate With The Bandits?

MANILA - Sen. Aquilino Pimentel Jr. on Weekday urged the Philippine governance to tap Philippine envelopment competitor Manny Pacquiao as a accord communicator in the fire of the past infract in Basilan.

Pimentel said Filipino Islamic Achievement Beguiler rebels seem up to Pacquiao and would focus to his suggestions to modify pact to Island. Malacañang fresh decreed the Filipino enclosing icon as presidential envoy for heartsease and savvy

"He is the exclusive one who can do this with direct appearance, quick modify," he told ABS-CBN Program. He said the boxing hero would not be in any danger.

Sen. Francis Escudero, meantime, said he sees cipher unethical with the offer especially if it helps the quietness transform. He more that it is relieve up to Pacquiao if he module consent the render.

Sen. Rodolfo Biazon, notwithstanding, said he doubts that Pacquiao could eliminate a monumental fighting in the talks. "What does Manny Pacquiao hit that can shell the efforts of the regime?" he told reporters.

He said he will also line a finding "to extract the judgement of the Senate that there staleness be supporting of commencement of serenity talks until there's a re-examination of policy by the polity."

Biazon questioned the governance's insurance of coordinating with the MILF everytime it has a personnel action in Mindanao. He said the very substance was utilised by several MILF rebels to trail downed and scrap authorities troops in MILF-controlled areas.

He said he also conventional reports from soldiers who complained of not feat intel finances, air operation, armour and gun during the push against the Abu Sayyaf in Basilan inalterable Honorable 12.

Escudero, meantime, urged the MILF leading to turn against rogue elements of the aggroup in Basilan.

Twenty-three soldiers and 20 Abu Sayyaf fighters were killed when the warriorlike overran an Abu Sayyaf breeding domicile in Ungkaya Pukan municipality in Basilan lastly Weekday.

Structure Escritoire Dr. Teodoro said the soldierly suffered distressful casualties after MILF fighters from a nearby municipality ambushed a gather of soldiers who were retrieving their wounded.

"Even if they play themselves MILF, they hump dissimilar chiefs, varied groups...What the MILF should do is hold that they possess no contain over these groups because it fitting destroys their sanction. [These fighters] are MILF for toilet but Abu Sayyaf in concealment," he said.

Pres. Arroyo has sequent the perfect annihilation of the Abu Sayyaf after the killings of 23 soldiers in Basilan. "The war against threat moldiness be pursued. The destruction of the Abu Sayyaf staleness be finished," Teodoro quoted Arroyo as locution.

Mrs. Arroyo warned that MILF fighers who married in the massacre of the soldiers would be hunted set despite a ceasefire with the rebellious unit.

Teodoro warned that the authorities also knew which MILF groups had aided the Abu Sayyaf in the warring and warned that the authorities would go after them.

"There are cases we possess already filed against them and we love filed protests" with the outside group monitoring the governance's ceasefire with the MILF, Teodoro told reporters.
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Miguel Cotto And Manny Pacquiao And The WBO

All of the episode surrounding the WBO's engagement into the Miguel Cotto-Manny Pacquiao promise discussion was pitiful and unclouded madness. I realize that some of you want to see Manny try for a listing seventh class call. I do too, but the heading issuing, which I read has been resolved, was an turnabout. Money and pull unit drove this entity initially--period.

The Concern Boxing Disposal desirable it to be a name jibe because it technically is a advertize that give become within the welterweight extent and the entity stands to represent a hot accumulate of exchange. Alright. What if the two fighters had narrowed to undergo at 141 instead of 145? The WBO template solace exists since it is above the intermediate welterweight end. Obligatory header combat? The outperform contemplate unit for welterweights.

The actuality is that the Grouping Envelopment Organization revolved on its contender and the most strident information is making Manny Pacquiao the sort one competition in position to compel Miguel's collaborator. The WBC doesn't soul Manny stratified at welterweight. There is no Pacquiao recorded at 147lbs on the IBF ratings surface. How nigh the WBA? Perverse. The Jewellery? Nope. The WBO didn't straight soul Manny on its radiolocation jam at welterweight until this period. I could be reprehensible, but I expect the WBO did the homophonic action in November is effort to be an all minute classic and it was leaving to be that way whether or not the WBO played a persona. The fact that the right is on the credit now tho' capital that it may fuck historical content. It is highly unlikely that Manny gift indorse the appellative if he is able to sure it, source at minimal not at the laden 147lb metric end and certainly not against whoever the signal one challenger may be (Book Clottey is currently ranked circumscribe 2). My venture is that if Floyd Mayweather, Jr. can get weary Accolade De La Hoya into retirement and has most likely done the same to Ricky Hatton. He won't finish that against Miguel Cotto. Win, lose, or attractor and Miguel faculty console be a ram within the welterweight partitioning. He doesn't impoverishment a header to maintain anything, let solitary the WBO head. Neither does Manny. Both men are bigger than any championship strap.

If Manny wins in November, my prospect is that he instrument alter the sing and then handsbreadth it to the WBO chairperson, Francisco Valcarcel. If Miguel wins, then my outlook is that he gives it to Bob Herb for yield up the sanctioning fees required by the WBO. The path gift make a deed parting sharing between Cotto and Herb. Cotto can then go get his old WBA belt backward from Shane Mosley.
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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Arum: Pacquiao-Cotto contract to be inked Wednesday

MANILA, Philippines -- Top Rank head Bob Arum said he has crossed the t’s and dotted the i's for the Manny Pacquiao-Miguel Cotto showdown, adding that he is expecting signed contracts from both camps by Tuesday, Aug. 11 (Wednesday, Aug. 12 in Manila).

Speaking to Michael Marley of, the ageless promoter said the fight would be held at a catch weight of 145 pounds, and with Cotto’s WBO welterweight title on the line.

"Everything has been decided and agreed to," Arum told Marley. "Cotto is defending the title and the weight limit (will) be 145 pounds."

Earlier reports said Cotto was not keen on putting his welterweight strap on the line, mainly because the Puerto Rican did not want to pay the sanctioning fee required by the WBO.

Cotto also reportedly insisted on a 147-lb weight limit.

"There are no (more) disagreements or problems. Now, everything is cleared up," Arum added.

This development opens up a rare opportunity for Pacquiao to become the first boxer in history to win seven world titles in as many divisions -- having previously wrested the WBC flyweight, IBF super bantamweight, Ring Magazine featherweight, WBC junior lightweight, WBC lightweight and IBO junior welterweight crowns.

Arum added that tickets for the Pacquiao-Cotto bout will be available for sale on Aug. 17.

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The Wizard of WildCard - Interview with Freddie Roach

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
That would be boxing’s greatest trainer, Freddie Roach. Last week I asked doghouse boxing readers to submit any questions for Freddie The reader’s questions and answers would be an article. So for all the readers of doghouse boxing, this one’s for you!

The following interview took place at the WildCard Gym in Hollywood, August 11, 2009.

David Tyler: Fred, have you a plan to offset Miguel Cotto’s counterpunching that’s coupled with his heavy hands?

Freddie Roach: Of course. I have already watched several hours of Cotto’s fights. I have been concentrating on how well he did against Shane Mosley. How he neutralized Shane’s speed. Yes, we will have a great game plan for Cotto.

DT – A reader wants to know if Cotto purposely looked bad against Clottey so he could get a big payday against the Ninja.

FR - That’s a question for Cotto. He almost lost the Clottey fight and I can’t imagine him holding back.

DT – Of all the Filipino prospects in boxing, who do think can emulate Manny’s achievements after he retires into politics?

FR – We will not see another Manny Pacquiao for another decade or more. Guys like Manny Pacquiao and Muhammad Ali come along once in a lifetime.

DT- Why do you think the Ninja told Bob Arum that he wanted to fight Cotto?

FR – Well, that’s not necessarily so. He said he would fight Cotto after watching Cotto fight Clottey in the Garden. Manny has always wanted to fight Floyd Mayweather Jr. The Mayweather fight got delayed because of injury and Manny needed a fight around year’s end. After watching the fight Manny told Arum that he could beat Cotto. He never ask Arum to go get Cotto, he still wanted Mayweather first.

DT – Assuming that the Ninja takes care of Cotto and Mayweather Jr. will Manny retire and go into politics?

FR – Possibly, but Shane Mosley is doing a lot of talking and I want to see that fight happen. Manny has said three more fights and that’s it.

DT – Any update on the training camp issues?

FR – Because of immigration laws he must spend five weeks training outside America. The laws say we can spend 183 days (yearly) in America and that means the last three weeks of training will be here at the WildCard. Right now the plans are to train in Baguio City in the Philippines at the Olympic Training Center. Why don’t you come along and give daily reports from the training center?

DT – I’ll have to think about that one. Next question is from a reader who says that he is a big fan of Mayweather Jr. and the Ninja. Do you honestly believe that the Ninja will Kayo Mayweather Jr.?

FR – You know that I’m just trying to make the fight happen. Mayweather is a great fighter and champion but I’m sure that Manny will beat him. At the higher weight I just don’t see him as a great fighter. At 134 lbs. yes he was a great fighter.

DT – So no Kayo?

FR – I will have to break him down when the fight comes and specifically watch for performance flaws. Before I start predicting knockout rounds I need to see Floyd fight Marquez and study that tape many times.

DT – Do you think Manny’s chin can hold up to Cotto’s power?

FR – Manny is not going to back out for anybody. Manny has a really good chin because he has a big heart. Of course Cotto’s power is a major concern for me but I really think that we will have no problems. I’m training Manny not to get hit.

DT – Would you consider retiring when Manny retires?

FR – I will not retire because I just don’t know what I would do. I have been in the boxing business all of my life and I don’t know anything else. I just can’t see sitting at home all day so I probably will never retire.

DT – Many fans greatly admire what you have accomplished even though you suffer from Parkinson’s disease. How do manage this?

FR – The key is to accept it and move on. I keep very busy and I’m not going to roll over and die. Stay active, if you let the disease take over it will. That’s also true with anything in life.

DT – Fred how would Vernon Forrest have fared against the following fighters, Shane Mosley (trained by Nazim), Felix Trinidad, Paul Williams, and Mayweather Jr.

FR – Forrest would beat Mosley for the third time. Trinidad and Forrest would be a good fight, hard to pick a winner. Paul Williams would surely beat Forrest. Mayweather would also be a good fight and I’m not sure who wins that one.

DT – Pacquiao on occasion tends to pull up his shorts with both his gloves. Usually he’s a good distance away from the other fighter but does this open himself up?

FR – I know exactly what your reader means and I love it when he does that (Fred pulls up the shorts and snaps his hands together above his head). That means get ready because here I come. He always does that when he is out of range.

DT – When you were a fighter who hit the hardest.

FR – Lenny Valdez the first guy to knock me out. He was a great puncher early but faded in fights. I got caught in the second round and was never the same after that fight.

DT – Fred, a reader owns a Mexican Restaurant in Huntington Park called Casa Luz. He would like to bet you a dinner that Marquez will Kayo the Ninja in their next fight.

FR – I will bet my gym against his restaurant that Marquez never Kayos Manny.

DT – Shane Mosley pushed hard for a fight with the Ninja. Why did Manny decide to fight Cotto instead of Shane?

FR – It wasn’t Manny’s decision. It was my decision and the group’s decision. The main reason? We will make more than twice as much money fighting Cotto than Mosley.

DT – Fred, on behalf of Doghouse boxing and the readers, thank you for answering the questions.

FR – Dave, no problem. Anytime, it’s always fun to talk boxing and I look forward to the next set of questions. I think it is great that your readers get a chance to provide feedback.

DT – We had lots of feedback with your P4P list. Would you name you all time P4P list and elaborate on each pick?

FR – Yep, let’s start with…………

Attention readers, you will get to see Freddie’s list later this week. And no, Amir Khan did not make Fred’s all time list. I will work on the article tomorrow and hopefully we get it posted this week.

Once again, thank you for supporting doghouse boxing and helping me with this article.

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Tickets for the WBO welterweight title bout between Manny Pacquiao and Miguel Cotto don't go on sale until Monday, but the buzz is already beginning to build and rooms at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas are beginning to fill-up.

Ringside tickets for the biggest boxing match of 2009 are coming with a face value of $1,000 each with the nosebleed seats going for $150. Even in an economy that is reeling and on the ropes, the few available tickets for the general public are expected to be scooped up within hours of going on sale.

With over three months to go before the fight, most of the over 5,000 rooms at the MGM Grand have already been booked for the weekend of Nov. 14th. A visit to a travel agent today by this writer confirmed that only the high-end rooms at the MGM are still available for the weekend of the fight.

“There's must be something big going on for this happen,” said the agent. “The only thing I have open are the signature rooms. I don't think I've ever seen that happen three months in advance. Usually, and especially lately, I can get rooms at the MGM quite easily, they have five thousand of them, so I'm a little shocked to see that to be honest with you.”

When told that a big boxing match was taking place on that weekend, the agent nodded and raised her eyebrows.

“Well, that's still interesting because I've handled travel arrangements for people going to Vegas for New Years' Eve as well as UFC events and I don't think I've never known the MGM to be that full that far in advance.”

With Manny Pacquiao headlining his third straight fight at “the house that Tyson built” ticket brokers are salivating. A quick check today on one popular ticket seller shows the seats in the furthest reaches of the Grand Garden Arena, where the ring looks like a matchbook and the fighters look like ants - going for $338 a piece.

However, the most shocking price tag, is of course, reserved for ringside. In the area usually inhabited by the Nicholsons, the Stallones and the DiCaprios - two ringside tickets in Section A, Row A down on the floor are already selling for an astounding 22 times their face value and will set you back $22,536.
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Blue Light Special: Pacquiao or Cotto can take $40,000 WBC strap F-R-E-E

To hear Don Jose Sulaiman, 78 year old President For Life of the World Boxing Council, tell it, the newly created sparkling bauble dubbed the organization’s “Diamond Belt” will add glitz and glamor to the already hot Manny Pacquiao-Miguel Cotto Nov. 14 bout.

And not that money has ever been any consideration to these brilliant fighters or to their promoter Robert Arum but the price is right for the belt which Sulaiman said cost about $40,000 to manufacture.

Give me an F.

Give me an R.

Give men an E.

Oh, hell, give me another E.

Thus, a nimble navigator such as the soon to be age 78 Top Rank Top Honcho could have Pacman fight the Puerto Rican for the WBC’s new belt and keep $300,000 in his own pocket rather than fork it over to Paco Valcarcel and the WBO where Cotto is the welterweight champion.

Sulaiman, for his part, prefers to emphasize the uniqueness of the jewel encrusted bauble which he said he and his son Mauricio thought up.

“This is for very special fights between very special, elite fighters only,” Sulaiman told me Wednesday by telephone from his Mexico City home. “Winning this belt, especially the very first one, would like Germany capturing the World Cup or the Dallas Cowboys winning the Super Bowl.

“I should also inform you that when an elite fighter wins the Diamond Belt, he cannot lose it. It is his to keep forever. So this also makes it very special. My son and I looked at a big fight like Joe Calzaghe-Bernard Hopkins, two elite fighters, and it was a financial failure. The public saw there was nothing at stake other than victory, there was no title belt on the line.

“We like to be evolutionary at the WBC and this special belt brings special attention to the fighter who wins it. I spoke with Arum about this, he very much likes the idea but took no position at all. He did like the idea.”

Sulaiman labeled Manny and Miguel as historic fighters completely embraced by their respective countries.

“I think both are supreme heroes in their lands,” Sulaiman said. “Manny is easily the most famous athlete ever from the Philippines. Cotto is a supreme hero and beloved in Puerto Rico.”

So what happens if the WBO belt held now by Cotto is also up for grabs?

“No problem for us,” Sulaiman said. “If the WBO is involved, fine. If not, then it is also fine.’

Clearly, Sulaiman would dearly love to have Pacquiao accepting a formal presentation of the Diamond Belt at the 2009 WBC Convention in South Korea. Little problem there, though, as the WBC confab is slated for Nov. 1-8.

They say diamonds are forever.

I’m starting to think the what belts, if any, will Cotto and Pacman fight for saga is also forever.

Please do not confuse the Diamond Belt with the garish, tacky Trainer's Trophy won by Coach Freddie Roach over Floyd Mayweather Sr.

As I reported exclusively on a who cares basis, that prestigious gonfalon was found in the dumpster behind Nacho's Bowling Alley and Auto Reupholstery Shop on the busy commerical section of Hollister Avenue in sunny Goleta.

Promoter Golden Boy spent $37.32 to have the trophy reglazed and I hear that Coach Roach said it now makes a fine doorstopper at the Wild Card Gym.
Naturally, the Goldens made Top Rank share the big expense.
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Monday, August 10, 2009

Manny Pacquiao vs. Miguel Cotto Fight Tickets Getting Sold Out!

Manny Pacquiao fame goes beyond boxing. Manny is a national hero in his native Philippines. Manny is so popular back in the Philippines that the entire country comes to a virtual standstill whenever he fights.

Manny is also recognized by most observers as the best fighter at any weight in the ring today—the best "pound for pound" fighter. Manny fights in a division which is filled with talent. Such fighters as Floyd Mayweather Jr., Juan Manuel Marquez, Ricky Hatton, Erik Morales, Arturo Gatti, Oscar De La Hoya, Sugar Shane Mosley, Miguel Cotto and many others have been or can be potential opponents for Manny. The future is very bright for Manny Pacquiao who is now the most sought after boxing star only to be challenged by Floyd Mayweather Jr. There is a real chance now with Floyd Mayweather out of retirement that the two pound for pound champs might see their day in the ring come to be. This would be a tremendous pleasure for the countless fans who follow both camps very closely.

Barry's Ticket Service
, your one-stop source for tickets to the hottest events nationwide. We offer premium seating and sold out tickets as well. Barry's Ticket Service is a privately owned ticket agency. As a ticket broker for all sports and entertainment events, we buy and sell tickets on the secondary market above face value. Prices quoted on this site are usually higher than the price printed on the ticket since they reflect our cost of obtaining premium seating for you.
is the leader in selling Manny Pacquiao vs. Miguel Cotto fight tickets. If you are looking to purchase Manny Pacquiao tickets or even Floyd Mayweather tickets, you can purchase both here. They have been selling Los Angeles Lakers tickets for over 20 years They carry Manny Pacquiao vs. Miguel Cotto fight tickets for all both of boxer's fans, home and away boxing fights. They are not affiliated with any box office, venue, sponsor, team, performer,, or other organization. Any trademarked terms that appear on this page are used for descriptive purposes only.

Buy now and enjoy the fun of boxing for the tickets are nearly SOLD OUT!

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Manny Pacquiao vs. Miguel Cotto Fight Buy Tickets

Manny Pacquiao vs. Miguel Cotto is set to take place in wonderful Las Vegas, Nevada November 14th 2009 at the famed MGM Grand Arena. Its not the matchup that everyone was looking for but "Pac Man" better watch out for the Puerto Rican sensation Miguel Cotto. Paquiao is 30 and desperately trying to prove his star power to Americans. In the Philippines Manny Pacquiao is bigger than Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods, Here in the USA he's still looking for that identity. Even after the destruction of Ricky "the Hitman" Hatton, All the focus then turned to retired Floyd Mayweather Jr. With Mayweather recovering form an injury and still needing a warm up before the biggest Middle Weight Fight this century. Realisticaly you have to acknowlege that Pacquiao vs Cotto could be a great fight and should draw major attention to great destination at an awesome time of the year. Manny Pacquiao vs. Miguel Cotto will sell out quickly so buy your seats soon and enjoy the best level of seating that you can. Book early and get ready to rumble in November for Manny Pacquiao versus Miguel Cotto boxing tickets.

If you love boxing and are just waiting for that moment that your all-time favourite boxer will triumph over his opponent, then you should absolutely go to the Manny Pacquiao vs. Miguel Cotto and see a match at MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas on 14-11-2009. Enjoy a breathtaking Boxing fight at MGM Grand Garden Arena in United States and find out who is going to win this time! Being there at MGM Grand Garden Arena to watch the Manny Pacquiao vs. Miguel Cotto will be an unforgettable experience! Do not hesitate to buy your Manny Pacquiao vs. Miguel Cotto tickets for 14-11-2009 in United States straight away at
- Your Ticket To Fun! I have one already. See you at Vegas.
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Watch Pacquiao vs Cotto Live Streaming Video

The next Pacquiao fight is on: a showdown between pound-for-pound king Manny Pacquiao and welterweight titleholder Miguel Cotto. Pacquiao and Cotto, two of boxing’s most popular and crowd-pleasing fighters, will meet at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas on Nov. 14 (HBO PPV), Top Rank promoter Bob Arum told on Monday.

Watch out for the Round by Round liveblog of Pacquiao vs Cotto only here at

“It’s done,” said Arum, who was back at work in his Las Vegas office after a vacation in London and Italy and attending a wedding in Israel. “While I was away I reached a verbal agreement with each side. Pacquiao committed to the fight this weekend and Cotto the week before while I was in Israel. I was on the phone all the time trying to get this done.”

Arum said his attorney, Michael Heitner, was preparing the documents for signatures. “But everything is agreed or I wouldn’t say what I am saying,” Arum said. “The weight, the percentages, the guarantees — it’s all agreed to.”
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Cotto Taking No Chances, Starts Training For Pacquiao

WBO welterweight champion Miguel Cotto is taking no chances. With several months to go before his November 14 bout with Manny Pacquiao, the Puerto Rican champion has already begun training for the fight. Cotto returned to the gym on Monday and did five rounds on the heavy bag, 40 minutes of running and several stretching exercises. He wants to hit the gym two to three times per week until August 24, when he plans to start training full time for the fight with Manny. He doesn't want stamina to become an issue in the late rounds.

"I've done other things, but I've yet to return to the gym. The idea is to go two to three times a week until Phil Landman (his conditioning coach) arrives in Puerto Rico on August 22 and then I'll begin to train full-time on the 24th," Cotto told Primera Hora.

Cotto's trainer, Joe Santiago, told the paper that his fighter's training began early because the opponent is considered the best in the sport.

"We want to go to work slowly and get the most out of the following three months to achieve a high level of preparation," said Santiago. "We want to avoid the history of previous fights, like the one with Antonio Margarito. We do not want to arrive feeling tired on the day of the fight and therefore we will moderate the workload."
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Mayweather Sr: Cotto Can Take Pacquiao's Head Off

I’ll admit, I’m one of the few scribes to pick Miguel Cotto to beat Manny Pacquiao on November 14. Most of my colleagues believe Pacquiao’s speed and overall movement will overwhelm Cotto. I spoke in detail with trainer Floyd Mayweather Sr. and he agrees with my belief that Cotto has enough power to end the fight with a single shot.

“I think Cotto has a very a good shot to win. He’s got a good puncher’s chance. If Cotto hits him to the head or the body, he is going to take his ass out. Cotto did not look good against Clottey and I think Clottey beat him. That was a bad cut [suffered by Cotto during the Clottey fight]. I think a cut like that would affect anybody. A cut like that can keep you out of the game,” Mayweather Sr. told

If Mayweather was training Cotto, he would advise him to keep a tight defense and protect the left eye as a precautionary measure to prevent the cut, suffered during the Clottey fight, from re-opening.

“A cut like that can open up again at any time and turn the fight around,” Mayweather Sr. said.

He gets the impression that Freddie Roach [Pacquiao’s trainer] is overlooking the high level of danger that Cotto represents. Mayweather doesn’t see Pacquiao being able to withstand a flush Cotto power shot, whether it be to the head or body.

“He whooped on Oscar De La Hoya who was dehydrated and had no liquids in him. Ricky Hatton was suspect before the fight. Cotto is a puncher. If Cotto is in good shape and he hits him to the body or the head, he can take him out, my mark my words. [Roach] made a mistake by thinking Cotto ain’t that good. If Cotto hits him right, he take his head off, remember I told you that. Cotto is going to be ready for this fight, believe me. If Cotto hits him to the head or the body, he is gone - Rick, remember I told you,” Mayweather Sr. said.

Mayweather Sr. had trained Hatton for the May fight with Pacquiao. He told BoxingScene that miscommunication during training camp was a big factor in Pacquiao’s ability to blow Hatton out in two rounds. Mayweather would not advise Hatton to fight again. During the training camp for Pacquiao, Mayweather saw rookies giving Hatton a lot of trouble during sparring sessions.

“He wouldn’t do what I told him. He kept listening to Lee Beard [assistant trainer]. He was suspect before the fight anyway. We had lesser fighters, four round pros, shaking him up in the gym. The way my son knocked him out, he was bound to get knocked out again and again. That’s how it happens sometimes. My son knocked him out bad and then Pacquiao knocked him all the way out. And mark my words, if he fights again, and I don’t care who it’s against, he will get knocked out again,” Mayweather said.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

An Insight For Pacquiao Vs. Cotto Boxing Fight

Pacquiao versus Cotto fight will be the last great fight for the year. Pacquiao decided to fight Cotto on November 14 this year of 2009. The big question will be: ‘Will this big fight could prevent a bigger fight from happening?’

If you are to give a question to everyone who is involved in the the sport of boxing, there will be a united answer: Floyd Mayweather Jr. vs. Manny Pacquiao would be the best of the best fights that could happen. Given that Mayweather will win over Juan Manuel Marquez this coming September, Mayweather vs. Pacquiao will sure happen this year, but it will not happen anymore because Pacquiao will fight Cotto instead. It will surely take the big fight in jeopardy, isn’t it?
Will it realy matter? Why would Manny take the risk?

Pacquiao might find the weight of 147 lbs too big for him and there has to be a fence at some period that Manny Pacquiao can’t step over. As we all know, Cotto is a full-fledged welterweight who is at his strongest at 147 lbs. Remember, this is not Oscar De La Hoya’s case anymore where the Golden Boy has to pull down his weight to 147lbs for the first time in seven years. Cotto could put a wall to Manny in that weight this time.

Bob Arum put the pressure on Mayweather to fight the winner- on his own conditions by matching both fighters. With regard to Manny Pacquaio, Arum is creating a good demand to make Mayweather no choice but to face the winner between Manny Pacquaio and Miguel Cotto.
Cotto can position himself to have a choice on whatever fight he likes if he wins against Manny. They would be a big impact because of the collision in the same way as to Pacqiao and Mayweather. By then, It will be win in any case for Arum.

Now, Let’s say, Pacquiao wins over Cotto, Cotto will have lost in all time great. Cotto’s title will not be at risk since the fight will not be under welterweight. He will be an HBO champion on November whatever the result maybe. He can still fight against Mosley for the divisional championship in his next fight.

A victory for Pacquiao will ensure one more mega-fight before he retires, the winner against the winner of Mayweather vs. Marquez bout. If it’s Marquez, then we will be able to see the conclusion of the controversial fight that made Manny Pacquiao win over Marquez with just one point. If It’s Mayweather, then we will be able to conclude who’s supreme between the two most hailed fighter in the boxing arena in our era. It’s going to be the face-off which will be my preferred on to watch.

If Pacquiao loses, there’s still a stron possibility that he will fight Marquez because Marquez has earned points with their 2004 draw fight despite that Marquez was knocked out thrice in the early rounds.

Pacquiao maybe risking the biggest fight of the decade by accepting Cotto in the ring, we can only hope that he wil realize that there’s more inline to come than ever before if he really wants bigger fights. If he does, it will be more rewarding for him and his fans.

If you see more angles to this insights, feel free to put your comments and it will be greatly appreciated. If you like it, then, you may share it.
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Monday, August 3, 2009

Some Early Post Comments For Pacquiao Vs. Cotto Fight

Pro Pacquiao:
I will go fo pacquiao over cotto (I'm a huge pac fan). But Cotto can perform better than he did against Clottey if he gets his old confidence back. They say boxing is 90% mental, but when I see him in interviews, he doesn't seem to posses the confidence that I see in Manny and Roach. I saw a great fighter in Cotto the night he fought Margarito, He was excellent up till the second half of the fight, but he let Margarito break his will. In cotto's defense though, I say Margarito's gloves were loaded. Still favor Pacquiao over Cotto, but if Cotto gets some mental toughness he will be a dangerous opponent. Yes, it's great to see a genuinley nice and humble kid like Cotto, unlike the Mayweathers and Macho Camachos that have traditionaly cheapened the sport. Guys that simply suffer from diarreah of the mouth, but Cotto must realize his abilities.

Pro Cotto:

For everyone who thinks cotto is washed up, you have no idea what you're speaking of. cotto wasnt destroyed by margarito. he was destroyed by the bricks in his gloves. secondly, he was fighting with a handicap for the majority of the fight with clottey!! Joshua is not a b-fighter. he was dodged!! who else wanted to fight someone who was never knocked down before? COTTO GOT HIM WITH A JAB!!! clottey intentionally head-butts his opponents. look at all his fights. he's dirty too. cotto is still that beast. MARK MY WORDS; it's not going to be easy for pac. he'll be quick as hell at first, but he NEVER fought anyone with such power. he will eventually crack. I PROMISE YOU THAT!!
Pro Pacquiao:

i didnt see something special on miguel cotto...
his fight against clottey was not as great as his previous fights...
if cotto vs pacquiao will happened this year pacquiao will kill cotto...
cotto is very slow...
the only thing that i like with cotto was his footwork in the 9th round onwards and his jabs..
but the rest was nothing that much...
the fight was dead even and i give my respect to cotto continuing the fight with a cut on his eyebrow...
but men pacquiao vs cotto???
pacquiao will surely win!

Pro Cotto:

Damn, what is Clottey,lunchmeat? I think Pacman couldn't handle Clottey now we talk about real fights. You guys treat Clottey as if he is some knid of bum. These two guys were evenly matched and are TOP WELTERWEIGHTS. YES "A" class fighters. Nobody had even hurt Clottey before let alone knock him down before. I think pacman is in serious trouble versus Cotto who fought a 170 lb Clottey.
Pro Pacquiao:

Pacquiao-Cotto is indeed a dead-even fight. Without the eye cut, Cotto could have handled Clottey easily.Plus the big body size advantage can wobble Pacquiao. Pacquiao should watch out for Cotto's wrestling style, hitting on the backhead, and nutpunching. Cotto does these dirty tricks when he is losing. Marley, you were quoted from this article by your boyfriend Recah Trinidad in Phil. Inquirer. Recah was a former Pacquiao's sycophant who turned rebel and now backed to Pacman's arms.
Pro Cotto:

The reason for not offering title is because Cotto would have to pay sanctioning fees for making it a title bout, unless Bob Arum pays for them. Cotto does not care about the title when it comes to beating Paquiao. Believe that!

What's your comments on Manny Pacquiao vs. Miguel Cotto fight? Who do you think will win?

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Interesting Cotto's Tribal Tattoo, What Does It Mean?

Boricua Entourage thats the meaning of the Tattoo Cotto have in his left wrist. It's really interesting to know that Miguel Cotto is a fan of HBO. He probably got the idea from the series 'Band of Brothers.

It is said that he now up for training for preparation on one of his biggest fight against the people's champ, Manny Pacquiao. Will he be able to win over the piercing south paw's left hook? Will he be able to catch up for his breath over the fast and the furious punches of Manny?

Cotto unlike Hatton. He knows how to think. He trains well and listens to his coach. He doesn't have that attitude of Hatton. If he ws able to survive against the bad cut he received from Clotey, there's a big chance that he can. Cotto does not flinch when he's overtaken. He got a brae heart, so to speak.

More on the tattoo.

The tattoo on his wrist is a sign of solidarity between he and 3 of the members in his entourage of Team Cotto. It is supposed to signal solidarity and a sign of friendship as a "band of brothers". Cotto says that it is to keep the sign of bonding and for all of the great times they are all sharing together at this moment and that no matter what the future holds and if they are ever split up later in life, they will always be together by the symbol of the tattoo's on each of their wrists.
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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Is Cotto Damaged Goods?

By Dave Lahr:

ESPN analyst Teddy Atlas made mention of Miguel Cotto looking like damaged goods last Friday night during the FNF telecast, remarking on how Cotto didn’t look good in his fight with Joshua Clottey in June and looked ready to quit during the later rounds. Atlas raised a very good point about Cotto. He doesn’t seem to be the same fighter he was before his fight with Antonio Margarito last year in July.

Cotto controlled much of that fight for the first nine rounds, but was tired out and was hurt at the end of the 10th round by a big uppercut from Margarito. In the 11th round, Cotto twice took a knee to escape the punishment that Margarito was dishing out to him in the round. The fight was stopped by Cotto’s corner after the second time that Cotto took a knee.

cotto576369Although Cotto didn’t really get hit all that much in the fight, the punishment he did take in both the 10th and the 11th rounds, left his face a mess, making him look as if he had taken a severe beating in the fighting. It’s unclear how much damage that Margarito did internally to Cotto’s brain.

Cotto wasn’t really hurt by any of Clottey’s shots in their June 13th fight, yet Cotto looked like he was there for the taking during several of the later rounds. Cotto looked like he was ready to quit again for awhile there. Clottey, however, didn’t have the work rate to finish Cotto off and ended up losing a close 12-round split decision.

But the way that Cotto looked in the later rounds, he seemed to be confused, worried and giving up on himself. It was like looking at a replay of the 10th and 11th rounds against Margarito. Cotto looked like a shell of himself.

It’s very lucky for him that he was fighting Clottey rather than a more active welterweight like Shane Mosley, Margarito or Andre Berto otherwise I think Cotto would have lost the fight. Could it be that Cotto haunted by the Margarito fight? Is this the lingering effects of that fight or is a neurological problem?

With the way that Cotto looked against Clottey, it’s not a good thing that he’s now fighting Manny Pacquiao on November 14th. Cotto really needs a couple of fights against easier competition to build up his confidence and see whether he has a chin problem that’s lingering from the Margarito loss. We learned nothing from Cotto’s 5th round stoppage win over Michael Jennings in Cotto’s first fight after his loss to Margarito, because Jennings, a light puncher, barely laid a glove on Cotto that night.

But, we did see Cotto struggle badly as he went life and death with Clottey last month. That fight left a troubling feeling in my mind about Cotto. He doesn’t look like the same fighter he used to be and probably is making a huge mistake in fighting Pacquiao at this time.

I think Clottey actually won the fight, but Cotto, the more popular fighter, got a gift decision on that night. It might have been better had Cotto lost the fight, because at least he’d be rebuilding his career more slowly instead of rushing from his poor performance (his second in his last three fights) against Clottey into a fight with Pacquiao.

It’s too bad, because Pacquiao won’t get the credit that he’s seeking if he beats Cotto, because Miguel simply doesn’t seem to be the same fighter mentally that he was before his loss to Margarito. This is why the choice of opponents for Pacquiao was pretty poor. I can understand why his promoter Bob Arum pushed for Pacquiao to fight Cotto, since he also promotes Cotto. But it may be a fight where Cotto had wished that he didn’t take at this point.

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Miguel Cotto's Deal: No Golf, Oscars, Lobsters, Pacquiao rematch

Miguel “I’m No Angel” Cotto has a new promotional contract with his Uncle Bob Arum, formerly known as the Parsimonious Promoter until he flip flopped and decided to pay WBO sanction fees for Cotto and Manny Pacquiao,

Arum has done more gymnastics lately than Mary Lou Retton, contorting himself on the Nov. 14 title bout issue.

But the promoter overcame his reach impediment and his alligator arms and will go into his own pocket to pay the WBO fees.

I’ve learned exclusively (no one else cares, right Bob?) that there are some neat wrinkles in Cotto’s new deal including:

1. NO GOLF CLAUSE. As fallout from his totally coincidental golf round with rival Oscar de la Hoya, Cotto is not permitted to play golf, watch golf or to even eat a sand wedge at a golf course. This ban extends to miniature golf and to hitting the plastic balls into the clown’s mouth. Cotto cannot even mention the names of Tiger Woods or Ernie Els.

2. NO MALIGNING THE CRIMINAL HABITS OF ANTONIO MARGOCHEATO. While Harper Valley Hypocrite Arum demands a lifetime boxing ban for caught cheating trainer Panama Lewis, he seeks justice tempered with mercy for his Mexican clinet and Cotto victor, Antonio Margarito. Under his new TR deal, Cotto can only say kind and wonderful things about the Plaster of Paris handwraps cheater. One suggestion was this, “Margarito has done more for the great Mexican people than Pancho Villa ever did.”

3. HANDWRAPPING IN WELL LIT ROOMS ONLY. Since Arum will throw Cotto in, after Pacquiao is done with him, into a revenge rematch against Tone Loc, it is specified that Antonio cannot come to the arena after having his cement handwraps put in place in a dark alley next to the Chicago Club in Tijuana. His wraps must be put on in a totally floodlit room with 10 SWAT cops and their Uzis carefully trained a few feet away from the surely nervous hand wrapper. This special place will be called “The Honesty Room” but has no connection to the CD of the same name by great singer Dar Williams. (Attention: Lucinda “Car Wheels On A Gravel Road“ Williams, I love you just as much as I do Dar!)

4. OSCAR BAN EXTENDS TO TELEVISION. Cotto promises in the contract that he will never use the expression “but Oscar says” in conversation, especially in media interviews. This ban on anything related to Oscar extends to the Academy Awards which Cotto promises not to attend or to even watch on TV. Cotto can only make reference to the movie honors by calling the famed awards “those little statuettes.”

5. OSCAR BAN EXTENDS TO EATING. I can now "re veal" that Cotto is not permitted to order Veal Oscar from any menu.

6. NO REMATCH CLAUSE WITH PACMAN. Even though he will put up a fearsome fight, Cotto knows Arum is using him for Pacman cannon fodder and thus has insisted on a No Rematch clause. There was no mention of any other claws, including those from lobsters or stone crabs. In the same vein, Cotto is prohibited from ever referring to the smaller Pacquiao as “that little shrimp from GenSan.”

Arum is investing heavily in shrimp distribution companies in Packy’s hometown although the highly religious promoter will steer clear of crustaceans as he considers them “treyf” meaning trash and cockroaches of the sea. “Lobsters are not kosher, they are losers,” Arum said. “I can’t sanction or stomach lobsters. I thought they were born red but it turns out they only get that way after a killer steam bath. Same thing happen to me. At my age, my skin has more wrinkles than Kim Kardashian’s backside. I’m so glad Reggie Bush finally dumped her! Now Matt Stolow, Dallas bachelor of the moment, has a real shot at being her next beau and I don’t mean Bo Belinsky.”

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Will Cotto Win This Fight Against Pacquiao?

I’ve changed my mind about the November 14th fight between Manny Pacquiao and Miguel Cotto. I originally saw the fight going for Pacquiao because of figured him and his trainer Freddie Roach would install some medieval catch weight that would leave Cotto too weak and drained to make a fight of it. But now that I’ve had time to look at the new variables with the catch weight only being 145 rather than say 142 or 143, I think Cotto is going to wipe the deck with Pacquiao.

It saddens me because we’ll be seeing Pacquiao forced to eat his humble pie but heck, it was bound to happen sooner or late. Pacquiao should have had a whole face full of defeat with his fight against Juan Manuel Marquez last year in March, but Pacquiao instead was given the win in one of the worst scored fights I’ve ever seen in my life. Just horrible scoring in that fight and no way should Pacquiao have won that bout. At any rate, I’m willing to put that fight behind me and forget about it all while I focus my attention on the Cotto-Pacquiao.

Like I was saying, Cotto is going to literally wipe the deck with the little Filipino and give him a lesson he won’t soon forget. Pacquiao would have gotten that painful lesson in his fight with Ricky Hatton in May, but the British fighter lost his fool head and went out there with some primitive caveman fighting style and got taken out. If Hatton had the brains to fight smart in the bout, he would have had the chance to hurt Pacquiao and give him a taste of real power.

I don’t think Pacquiao would have stood up for more than few rounds of Hatton’s big shots without going to pieces under the strength of his shots. But Hatton messed up and went out there like rank amateur and blew his chance. Cotto isn’t going to make that mistake you can bet on it. He’ll take his time, use his jab, right hand and high guard and coast for the first four rounds or so and let Pacquiao exhaust himself a little.

Once the fight gets past the 4th round, Cotto will start attacking Pacquiao’s body with huge hooks and give him a taste of power that he’s never seen before in his career. Pacquiao’s sparring partners and his trainer Freddie Roach won’t be able to prepare him for the torture he’s going to have to ensure at the hands of Cotto. This isn’t going to be a case of Cotto fighting a fighter his own size like Shane Mosley.

This is going to be Cotto whipping on a little fighter much smaller and weaker than him. Pacquiao will be faster, but speed is nothing when you don’t have the power like Cotto has. When Cotto discovers that Pacquiao doesn’t punch that hard, that’s when the beating is going to begin. Oscar De La Hoya said it himself that Pacquiao doesn’t hit that hard. He knows.

The only reason why De La Hoya lost was cause he was too weight drained from coming down from 154. Plus, De La Hoya was an old fighter by the time he fought Pacquiao and was essentially semi-retired at the time of the fight. Okay, so once Cotto realizes that Pacquiao has nothing in the way of power, he’s going to start torturing Pacquiao and beating him like an old rug.

This is going to be much worse than Cotto’s beating of Paulie Malignaggi in 2006 in which Cotto fractured Malignaggi’s orbital bone and beat him nearly senseless. This is going to be much worse than that. Cotto is going to make Pacquiao suffer and let him stick around so that he can toy with him for the full 12 rounds and show who the master is.

Now if Cotto is feeling generous, I think he’ll take Pacquiao out by the 7th or 8th round, but I think he’s going to let the fight linger and go the full 12 rounds so that he can toy with Pacquiao like a cat with a mouse. Afterwards, Pacquiao, badly beaten, will be cradled and mothered by Roach as he leads him out of the ring in defeat. And Cotto will be glorified with his career once again back to where it was last year before his defeat at the hands of the powerful Mexican puncher Antonio Margarito.

Source: (July 31, 2009)
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Reasons Why Manny Pacquiao Will Win Over Miguel Cotto

Bob Rum, Top Rank Promoter, said that he is very busy working on the match up between Manny Pacquiao and Miguel Cotto. The haven’t yet decided for an agreement for Manny Pacquiao vs Miguel Cotto Bout but it will be early November 14, 2009. He said, as he analyze the tale of the tape of Pacquiao-Cotto bout, there will be Five Reasons why Pacman ig going to win this fight.

Here are the reasons:

Chin – Cotto was knocked down several times at 140 pounds and one of the main reasons he moved up was that it gave him more strength to take a punch. If he comes back down to 143 pounds to face Pacquiao, some of that weakness may resurface. Meanwhile Pacquiao hasn’t been stopped in over ten years and has a proven ability to take a punch.

Skills – Since Manny’s loss to Eric Morales several years ago, he has improved significantly. He has learned to knock opponents down with either hand whereas before he relied heavily on the straight left hand. Cotto has great skills but has shown vulnerability when faced against a pressure fighter. This lack of ability could be a major factor in the fight.

Trainer – many casual boxing fans don’t seem to realize the importance of a good trainer. However it’s the trainer that sets up the game plan and studies the opponent’s flaws for months before the fight takes place. Manny Pacquiao’s trainer, Freddie Roach, earned his second Trainer Of the Year award for the two perfect game plans against Oscar De La Hoya and Ricky Hatton. On the other hand, Miguel Cotto has had much turmoil in his camp and split ways with his long time trainer just before the fight with Joshua Clottey. Will Cotto’s camp be able to put together a strategy like Freddie Roach? The answer is most likely a resounding No.

Speed – Its an old boxing adage that “speed kills” and right now no one has more speed than Manny Pacquiao. Its not just that Manny is fast with his hands, but as seen in his match with Oscar De La Hoya, he also has fast feet. Cotto was able to keep up with Shane Mosley’s hands, but doesn’t have the quickest pair of feet in town. He is often caught against the ropes and that would play right into Pacquiao’s speedy hands.

Wear and Tear – Cotto took a brutal beating against Antonio Margarito and even though he got by Joshua Clottey, he still showed signs of weariness in the later rounds. That would be a sure fire way to lose against a top conditioned athlete like Manny Pacquiao. Pacquiao would apply relentless pressure that Clottey was unable to do to finish the job. Cotto also backed away in the later rounds against Shane Mosley, if he does this against Pac-man its lights out!
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Manny Pacquiao vs Miguel Cotto

Definitely, this is going to be a good fight again! Manny Pacquiao vs Miguel Cotto

The fight will be Manny Pacquiao vs Miguel Cotto in the preliminary stages and the date will be November 14, 2009. So, fans of both camps are again eager to see this fight.

You need to check it tickets now for best now for best seat reservations. HBO will again be very busy for the pay per view 24/7. The expected Manny Pacquiao vs Miguel Cotto fight will be held at MGM Grand in Vegas. The arena could seat thousands of fans. Be sure to be thrilled with Manny Pacquiao vs Miguel Cotto fight.

Manny Pacquiao vs Miguel Cotto fight is will be very exciting because of their styles that suite each other. Manny is very fast and quick, he is an offensive fighter, while Miguel Cotto has all the hert too and he doesn’t clench.

Some reasons why team Pacquiao made a good decision:

1. His defense is mediocre. Cotto has been put on his ass and rocked PLENTY of times, this plays into Manny’s hands.

2. Cotto is relatively slow, he doesn’t wow anyone with handspeed.

These two things are the exact reason Manny Pacquiao didn’t fight Shane Mosley (who has excellent handspeed and excellent defense). Shane approached Team Pacquiao immediately following his destruction of Ricky Hatton, and was basically told to kick rocks. It wasn’t about money, it wasn’t about weight, it was about the fact that Mosley is very dangerous and the risk outweighed the reward.

I highly doubt Manny would kick Cotto’s ass the way he kicked Hatton’s ass, because Cotto is a tough cookie, but Manny will win nonetheless.
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